Diversities from diverse cities forming one entity. Different tribes knitted into one salient vibe; different parts but one body. Using the hand as an example; it has different fingers of different length, with each having it's own uniqueness and function. All the same, the best part of it all is when the fingers work together. In wrestling, they work together to grasp the attacking opponent. In boxing, they unite to form the fist of the legend; guess what? These fingers can't exist without the palm. The palm is Christ and the five fingers are the five fold ministry meant to unite and grasp the sword of the Spirit, wielding it against the gates of hell.

We got the thumb which literally means the swollen or robust one. It takes a special position a little bit apart from the other four yet has two phalanges instead of three. This represents the APOSTLE. Without the thumb, the alleged fist of legend, rather than impacting tough punches will only manage to give weak knocks; what effect will that make if the knock hits elsewhere rather than the enemy's head. Thumbs up for encouragement or thumbs down for rebuke isn't done without the other fingers folding to a position to assist the thumb.
The next is the INDEX/POINTING finger which literally means pointer. It represents the prophet directing God's messages to people I.e. "thus saith the Lord". As it points out to minister, the other four digits fold towards it to support and balance it's stance.
The next is the MIDDLE finger which projects Christ as being the core and centre of Christianity. It's also called the LONG/TALL finger. This suits the EVANGELIST as people tend to meet/see him more when he goes from place to place projecting Christ as the center of it all. The tallness of the middle finger is more obvious when the five fingers are placed together side by side, denoting support.
The next is the RING finger which is got from the idea of a vein known as LOVE vein connecting the ring finger to the heart; a theory proven to be untrue though. The ring in this context is a symbol of love. This denotes the PASTOR or SHEPHERD who is meant shower his sheep with much love, affection and care. The uniqueness of the ring finger will not be much pronounced if the other four never existed.
The last is the PINKY finger which literally means small or tiny; seen as tiny yet so unique. It's the finger that can be put into the ear without stress. This denotes the TEACHER.
We are all unique in our spheres and grafted to one single palm who is CHRIST. Denomination competition only results to confusion. Though different personalities, we live as one body; the body of Christ.