John Hyde was born in Carrolton, Illinois. His father was a faithful Presbyterian minister whose prayer life challenged his son, John. John, being a brilliant scholar that graduated from Carthage College was immediately appointed a lecturer in the same college. He however, felt a divine call into ministry and resigned his appointment to enter the Presbyterian seminary in Chicago. He graduated in 1892 and was sent to India where he laboured for the Lord for the rest of his life.

John was known for much praying than preaching. As a result of his prayers, the natives called him, "the man who never sleeps, apostle of prayers and praying hyde." He often spent thirty days and nights in agonizing prayers and many times, he was on his knees in deep intercession for upward of thirty-six hours at a time. His evangelistic work among the Indian villages was so successful that he led between four and ten people to the Lord daily for almost twenty years.
John Hyde was instrumental in establishing the annual Sialkot conferences from which thousands of missionaries and native workers returned to their stations with new power and zeal to work for their Lord. His life of humility, sacrifice, love for souls, deep spirituality and ministry of intercession challenged many to follow his example in their own lives and ministries. He died on February, 17th 1912.
Speaking to God about men makes speaking to God about men easier. Intercede for souls secretly before you preach to men openly.