Bible Text: JOHN 15: 1- 8. Memory Verse: 1 PETER 2: 2
Considering the [JOHN CHAPTER 15]
~In (VERSE 2), "amplified version" puts in brackets any branch in me [THAT STOPS BEARING FRUITS] meaning the branch might have been initially pruned to bear more fruit; but later stops bearing fruits.


~from (VERSE 3), Remember, in context, Christ was talking directly with his disciples without Judas being present. The pruning are the teachings and sometimes chastening from Christ to his disciple; it is no secret that there were deep stuffs which Christ specially taught his disciples on purpose without sharing it to those not part of the twelve
~also take note that Judas Iscariot was absent from their midst and not regarded as clean despite the fact that he received the same teachings and pruning as other disciples.
(John 13: 10,11)
Jesus said ......And you [ My disciples ] are clean, but not all of you. For He knew who was going to betray Him; that was the reason He said, Not all of you are clean.
~still on pruning check out:
(John 17:17)
~Christ directed that to his immediate disciples
(John 17:20)
~this was directed to as many that will receive the gospel without physically seeing Christ.
Though Christ told them they were pruned in [VERSE 3] he still prayed for their pruning which is through his's a continuous process. You need not resist the Spirit of GRACE/CHRIST/GOD in you that teaches you to live above ''the spirit of disobedience'' (Titus 2:11, 12)
~(VERSE 5) portrays that you can be in Christ and cut yourself off from vital union with him( take note, this doesn't signify someone plucking u out of God's hands but you cutting your self off from the leading, chastening of the Spirit)
~the picture of [VERSE 6] is as a result of the person first cutting himself off according to the previous verse