Grace is truth and the truth sets free; The truth is Christ that has appeared to mankind as the only way to life eternal [Titus 2: 11, 12]

If the message needs to be balanced then it isn't truth in the first place but a form of it. Satan tempted Jesus with a seeming truth [Math 4: 1 - 10]; told Eve a seeming truth [Gen 3: 4, 5] .
Yet it wasn't truth and needed to be balanced. Truth in itself is balanced. With an open heart, go through the messages passed from past heroes of faith, comparing bracketed scriptures side by side. I pray God answers questions in your heart as you proceed
[Act 17 : 11] - I hope you act like the berean Jews to search and read scriptures for yourself to see if these things be true. Any translation will do; amplified version amplifies it all though
Searching the scriptures for yourself with an open heart to the Spirit in you reveals the same balanced truth in deeper dimensions.
JESUS [ John 8 : 31, 32; 15 : 5, 6]
PAUL - [Eph 1: 13, 14, 5 : 5 - 9] [Gal 5: 1, 13, 21] [Rom 6: 1, 2] [Rom 11: 20 - 23; 12: 1, 2; Gal 6: 7,8]
PETER - [1 Peter 1: 23, 2 Peter 2: 9, 20 - 22]
JOHN - [1 John 2: 4, 6, 7, 13 - 16, 25, 28, 29] [1 John 3: 7 - 9]
JAMES - [James 1: 17, 18, 21, 22; 2: 14; 4: 4 - 7; 5: 7, 8, 19, 20]
JUDE - [Jude 1: 3 - 7, 18, 20 - 24]
HEBREW WRITER - [Heb 3: 6 -19; 4: 2, 3 ] [Heb 6: 1 - 9; 7: 25, 27] [Heb 9: 28; 10: 10, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25 - 31, 36 - 39] [Heb 12: 1, 2,5 - 8, 11 - 17, 25]
The core of grace is accepting and abiding (cleave to, rely on and trust) in Christ. As long as the spirit of truth leads us into all truth, and causes us to grow and increase in Gospel light and knowledge, nothing can intrude our relationship with Christ and that's exactly why every believer should have the mindset of Paul [Rom 8: 35 - 39]
Nothing can separate you from Christ except you [John 15: 5,6] [Heb 6: 4; 9: 26] [2 Pet 2: 20] [Luke 15: 11 - 13]
I hope you were blessed.
[Titus 2: 11, 12] summarizes it all
So incase you find yourself thinking you're free to commit sin because Grace abounds, that's not grace happening to you; that's self or maybe selfishness