"He (Christ) died for all so that all who live - having received eternal life from him - might live no longer for themselves, to please themselves, but to spend their lives pleasing Christ who died and rose again for them." - (2 corin 5: 15 LTB)

Too many people live for themselves alone. Paul tells us in [2 corin 5: 15] that we're not supposed to live for ourselves anymore. You have to become concerned about pleasing the Lord with your life. How can you please God?
"But without faith it is impossible to please him (God): for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Heb 11: 6). Faith, the Bible says, comes through the word (Rom 10: 17). Therefore, you must be acquainted with the necessary information from the word to please God.
Katherine Kuhlman, a dear woman of God, told an interesting story. When she was a little girl, she decided to surprise her mother one day by doing the laundry for her. She soaked all the fabrics including those with different colours, and washed them all together. When her mother returned, she was speechless because the clothes were all ruined. Then Katherine Kuhlman said,"I wondered how many times I have wanted to do something for Jesus, and messed things up."
You see, your intentions may be good and honourable; you might have even prayed about what you want to do, but if it's against the revealed will of the father, your efforts are worthless. The important thing isn't just doing something for the Lord, but doing what he wants you to do and how he wants you to do it; whether or not you felt good about it is irrelevant.
You need the wisdom of God to know your reason for being and to pursue it. That wisdom is from the Word. So, start studying your Bible today and keep yourself in the perfect will of your heavenly father.
Rhapsody of Realities
(August 3rd 2006)