Parents are raw materials that birth us, the hands that nurtured us and the very hearts that cherish us. Parents are like trees that bear fruits (us) and hold them up with love, support them with affection, nurture them with passion and godly discipline till they ripen, fall off of their own accord with seed to become trees also.

The first of God's commandment with a special promise attached to it is honouring our parents. [Deut 5: 16; 27: 16]. It's like a spiritual law just like tithing, like the law of sowing and reaping, like the law of giving and receiving. You can certainly key into this covenant and be sure to reap it's benefits. Paul said something concerning elders over us; something I'll like to link to parents; the parents who do well deserve double honour [1 Tim 5:17; 6:1.] I believe it's safe to infere that the ones that don't do well deserve honour all the same, even if not double. This means honour by itself, not for their sake, but for God's sake.
Paul, in writing to the Church of Ephesus (a pagan, Gentile city in Asia Minor) changes the wording slightly. It is no longer [“that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee”(Israel) - Exo 20: 12] . Paul now applies it to both Jews and Gentiles and says, [“That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”- Eph 6: 1 - 3]. In other words, the Commandment is not just for Old Testament Israel. It is for all men in all times and in all places; no age limit given; as long as you still got parents. No matter how bad you may think your parent is, or why one may abhor one or both of them, remember that they remain the vessels used by God to bless you with life; lot of aborted babies never had this priviledge.
The most basic unit of any society is the family. It is the first God ordained institution in the book of Genesis. God has placed parents in charge of the family. To disobey a parent is to disobey God. To strike a parent is to strike out at God. To curse a parent is to curse God. Whenever there is a breakdown in parental authority, there will follow a breakdown of law and order in society.
Honouring parents includes both respect and obedience to all lawful commands of parents. Obviously a parental command to do evil is not to be obeyed. The common excuse of “I don’t agree with my parents” doesn’t hold water with God. You may not agree with them, but you must still honor and obey their lawful commands and comply with their lawful requests. According to our Lord Jesus Christ, “Honour thy father and thy mother” includes financial support for them in their old age [Mark 7:9-13]. The KJV word “honour” often implies financial support, whether of parents, or of pastors [2 Timothy 5:17-18] or of God’s work in general [Proverbs 3:9-10].