[Gen 2:18 – 25]
Talking about the purpose of marriage, marriage should:
Bring lasting joy to us

a. Recreation : [Gen 2: 25]
Moses’ description of the creation of Eve is a bit surprising when you stop to think about it. It says that God fashioned a woman from the man’s rib. The verb pictures God as a sculptor, carefully and deliberately shaping the woman into a creature who would meet Adam’s need. Since she was built by God, you could safely say that she was well-built! She was a real beauty.
We know she was a knockout because of Adam’s response [Gen 2:23]. Remember, Adam had been looking through all the animals for one corresponding to him and had come up empty. When God brought Eve to him, he shouted, “YES!”
One flesh emphasizes the sexual union [1 Cor. 6:16]. But the sexual union is always more than just physical. There is relational and emotional oneness as well. Most sexual problems in marriage stem from a failure of total person intimacy. Sexual harmony must be built on the foundation of a primary, permanent, exclusive relationship that is growing in trust, openness, and oneness. God made us that way.
If you remove sex from the context of the marriage commitment, you will experience a superficial sense of closeness. But apart from the lifelong commitment of marriage, sex will never bring the satisfaction God designed it to give.

God designed sexual expression to help married couples build intimacy. Never let any hindrance stand in the way of developing emotional intimacy in marriage. Sex is a very important aspect of marriage; it’s impact on marriage relationships should never be underestimated. It’s very important that there is mutual satisfaction with respect to sex drive in the confines of Marriage. The male and female sexual drives, though similar, are configured differently. Rather than be insensitive about your sexual needs, there should be no shame communicating with each other with respect to this; make it a point of duty to satisfy your spouse’s sexual need not out of a burdening sense of obligation but out of love and joy
b. Procreation: [Gen 1: 28]
This is one reason to certify that Adam marrying Steve or Eva marrying Eve wasn’t and isn’t part of God’s plans.