[Gen 2: 18 - 25]
Eve is a helpmeet ''helper suitable for Adam.'' [Gen 2: 18]. It points a fact out that the husband needs and depends on his wife's support and help.

There is a distinction based on gender [1 cor 11: 9]. The lady as a helper points to her supportive role to her husband; even before the fall of man
It doesn't give a basis of men claiming superiority to women. The picture of the helper is like, woman is the missing part of man. God designed it so that the man needs the woman, and the woman needs the man [1 cor 11: 11, 12]. Both are equal persons and yet have distinct roles to fulfill.
God made Adam out of the dust [Gen 2: 7] but made Eve from Adam's rib [Gen 2: 21 - 22], perharps to show Adam that his wife was part of him and so equal with him; not a lower creation. So a man is to cherish his wife as his own flesh [Eph 5: 28 - 29]
A little illustration is the relationship that exists between the fusion of the head and neck; they don't struggle for who is superior but just act their role. The fact that the brain is in the head gives the head the leading role but it's such that the head can't turn without conscent from the neck, yet the neck turns freely on impulse when the head wants it to. The head will find it difficult if the neck goes stiff; a stiff-necked wife limits the husband's capacity. Even a dumb head will still feel pains if it tries to turn the neck beyond it's capacity and would stop before damage is done; that's what is obtainable when the husband makes it sink even into his subconscious that his wife as part of himself.
With the help of a killer or assasin coming in as a third party between the head and the neck, the fused harmonious relationship between the two can come to an end. Three parties should be involved in a marriage; God, the husband and the wife. Never make the mistake of making the third party the killer (devil) or someone working for the killer.
Illustrating with this observation, Eve wasn't taken from Adam's head to rule over him, nor from his feet that he should put her down; she was taken from his side that he should protect her and keep her close to his heart.