Here was Juliet, tired of going places looking for Job. She had so many needs that a job this time was the best thing that could happen to her. But there was none. However, there appeared to be some prospects at the last place she submitted application for employment. She was told to check in a week's time. With all her past efforts that proved futile, she thought there was no use hoping for anything good anymore. She decided to end it all. Juliet committed suicide and had a bitter end. The following day, her friend brought the cherished letter of appointment. The working condition and pay of the job was so good that it could have been best described as a dream. But she was gone some hours too early after a prolonged suffering that would have been terminated with a melodious song

Sarah became impatient and pressurized Abraham to put Hagar, her housemaid in the family way. This did not only put Sarah herself in troubles but generations after continue to suffer from it [ Gen 16: 1-4, 10-12]
For seven days, King Saul awaited Samuel the Priest. But then, he had a problem with impatience and could not wait any longer. He intruded where he should not and so he lost the throne. Unfortunately, just as he was rounding off his sacrifices, Samuel the Priest came. It was too late for Saul to retrieve his steps. Sad! [1 sam 13: 8-14]
Many who sow impatience rip blessings and reap the annoying thing that strengthen the yoke.