(Two ladies discussing in the office)
LADY A: Oh! Don't let sister Mary hear that we are talking against our boss.
LADY B: Yes o
WORKER: Madam how much should I write on the receipt? The actual price is #5,000
MADAM: Write #8,000. But please, don't tell Sister Mary
(lady A walks into the office and finds lady B sleeping)
LADY A: Why are you always sleeping in the office, Mary will not do this
There are people who naturally fall within our circle of influence; our children, colleagues, fellow Christians and young converts. Consider your influence as a mother on your children; it may begin to work on the child even while it lies in the womb. Once upon a time, a mother was worried at the jumpy nerves of her little daughter. A little noise and she would almost faint for fright. How did the little baby contract that emotional disorder? While she was in the womb, her mother had a scary encounter with armed robbers who raided her neighbourhood. The poor woman was nearly frightened to death; and her unborn child was logged in to the shock, resulting in her being born to fear! That's how influence works. Your seemingly harmless actions - the frown, the smile, your body language- all go to determine the aura around you and rub off on others who share your path. The future will tell how many people you have influenced to shun hell and gain heaven by your words and deeds or conversely influenced to reject God's will and head for eternal ruin.
''A man lives as long as there are those who bear the stamp of his influence'' - Anonymous
''There is no power on earth that can neutralize the influence of a simple and useful life'' - Booker T. Washington
''It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help'' - Judith Martin
''When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost'' - Billy Graham
It's amazing sometimes how our seemingly ordinary manner of life exerts great influence on others without knowing it. Whether you're a saint or villain, you affect the people around you by the way you conduct your self. Our lifestyle should help heal the broken hearted, not hurt the blissful at heart. Our lives should build, not break down homes. We should conduct ourselves such that those who interact with us are comforted, consoled and helped to carry on in hope.
Whether we know it or not, people are 'reading' our Christianity! Rather than misbehave and misrepresent Christ to the world, we should let the world see the true picture of the living saviour in us. Christians should live according to bible principles with godly disposition and blameless conduct [Math 5: 16]. Our lifestyle should be such that the world will testify that we are Christians indeed [Acts 11: 26] and not make them react to the word of righteousness with upturned nose [Rom 2: 24]
Living right before God and men has great ministerial impact especially for Christian leaders; a leader's mistake is a leading mistake. Leaders should be careful not to be guilty of the same indecent acts they vehemently condemn in the lives of others. Let us stir up others to good works by our lives [Heb 10: 24, 25; 12: 14]
Summarizing INFLUENCE with its acronyms
I - inspiring others to live righteously
N - networking with people for mutual benefit
F - focusing on the progress of others
L - leading others to their fullest potentials
U - utilizing every opportunity for the ultimate good of fellow believers
E - empathizing with other people in their troubles
N - negotiating for ultimate profitability of others
C - connecting people with people of possibilities
E - Exceeding your past performance