Rigby, a travelling salesman in the United Kingdom, often used to find that at the end of a working week, he would have to spend the weekend in Edinburgh. When this happened, he would always persuade a fellow guest to go to church with him.
This particular weekend, he managed to persuade a fellow guest to go to St. George's with him. The guest was so excited after the morning service that he insisted on going back to the evening service. He thanked Rigby for taking him and said that for the rest of his life, he would devote himself to the Lord's service.
When setting out of his travels on Monday morning, Rigby passed St. George's and thought he would drop in, introduce himself to Rev. Wright and tell him about the previous day. Needless to say, Rev. Wright was delighted and said he had been feeling a bit miserable because he had thought the previous day's service had not been very good. This news really cheered him up.
As Rigby was leaving, Rev. Wright asked, ''By the way, what did you say your name was?'' When Rigby replied, Rev Wright said,''You are the chap I have been looking for, for years! Please wait a minute.'' He disappeared for a moment and then returned with a handful of letters, all from people relating the story of staying in Edinburgh, meeting a salesman called Rigby and being persuaded to go to St. George's. All testified to it having been a life-changing experience and four had moved into full time ministry.
The faithfulness of one servent! Maybe the world has too many souls for us to witness to. Maybe it's too frightening to think of witnessing to everyone at once. Why not start by positively influencing one life at a time.