Love is the key that unlocks the heart of even the hardest and vilest of men, a balm that heals wounds in relationships, a spark that brings light, sunshine and joy in a gloomy world. Where all else have failed in our hostile and individualistic world, the key of love has not and will never fail
God created the world to be good, conducive, humane and delightful but man turned it into a nightmare making it a contentious place. He has unwittingly gone into alliance with the devil, who took advantage of same to further wreck havoc. But God in his infinite mercy and benevolence gave this same world a marvellous love gift. And to an unfriendly and noisy world, he gave a whisper of peace and joy.
Without the love of God, all of humanity would have perished and become eternally lost. It is the great love that God demonstrated towards this world that has sustained it and given it hope of a better future [john 3: 16]. When a man opens the door of his heart to Christ, God's love is implanted in him. He begins to manifest God's kind of love. This true love becomes the evidence of his sonship and it is the key to victorious Christian living and fruitful service. Knowing the great price Christ paid for the church, the only way we can reciprocate His priceless gift is to pledge our love and loyalty to him.
It is in serving others in love that we are fulfilled and our lives are enriched. God gave us this gift of love to share it with others [1 john 4: 19 - 21]. Nothing works when love is missing, in the church, society or family etc. Wealth or fame can't be substituted for love. The greatest service we owe our fellowmen is to love. It is a debt we owe, and will never ever be able to pay in full.