"It were better to speak six words in the power of the Holy Ghost than to preach seventy years of sermon without the Spirit" - C. H. Spurgeon
"Prayer without the Spirit is as a bird without wings or an arrow without a bow" - C. H. Spurgeon
"Commentators are good in their way, but give me the teaching of the Holy Ghost. He makes the passage clear." - C. H. Spurgeon
"We are very leaky vessels. We need to keep under the fountain all the time; then we will be kept full." - D. L. Moody
"If a man gets up in a prayer meeting and talks about his love for God, it chills me; but if he talks about God's love for him, that fires my heart." - D. L. Moody
"The Father chose, the Son redeemed, the Spirit makes holy" - John Hall
The Holy Spirit works with the Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures without the Spirit is not of much use, but the Spirit works within the confines of the Scriptures. The Spirit cannot contradict the scriptures; for He inspired it. Hence, the scriptures cannot be broken by the Spirit.
If your life contradicts God's word, either you have another spirit and not this same anointing from Christ or refuse to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit [Rom 8: 14]·
The Holy Spirit is from the Holy God indwelling holy people. Without the Holy Spirit, we are as ships without the wind, chariots without horses, coals without fire; useless, offering without the sacrificial flame; unaccepted.